Gateways For Words
“Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates. At the first gate, ask yourself, 'Is it true? ' At the second ask, 'Is it necessary? ' At the third gate ask, 'Is it kind?”
We have our gateways for words and with the proliferation of words in our daily rounds, countless choices are made.
My days are wrapped with many words, and each one carries weight. For each suggested ceremony I write I take several passes before I share it with the loved ones who we are taking care of. I try to approach each pass with a fresh mind, to feel how the words sound, acutely aware that each service is unique and we only get one chance to get it right.
Words are measured in each exchange, whether over the internet, phone or face to face. They light up when hearts are involved.
I was fortunate to work with a soul this week who is wise beyond her years, and you can feel her loving heart in every exchange. We stood side by side keeping a loving eye on our congregation after a service as they chatted and mingled in the sunshine. Her love wrapped around everyone, and her team are kindred spirits, and the comfort this flowed to all involved was a blessing. Moments that are a lasting heart memory for me.
There were times when she conveyed love with a look.
Tim ran some errands in town last Friday to give him a break from all his screenwork and to help, as I have a full diary. Later, we were watching a film when I burst out laughing. He instantly knew I had spotted his surprise.
A few months ago, Tim found a quirky craft shop in Wrexham and bought a pottery sheep and two lambs, which live in front of our TV. That day, he bought another two lambs and arranged them. I thought I was seeing double until I realised what he had done.
Tim regularly arranges the sheep for me to find, which is delightful. 🩷