Moments Of Peace
Moments of peace sustain us.
Sometimes those moments only last a few seconds, yet they can gift us much peace and we can carry that peace into the following moments as life makes its presence felt again. When moments of peace occur, I feel them as a loving bubble that surrounds those in need.
We can't fix each other's grief. We may find words and actions that soothe for a moment, but we can't change or manage another's grief, and we ought not to try. We can stand beside those who grieve, sit and listen, hug, hold hands, offer practical help where appropriate and recognise that each of us is different and we react in our way to the challenges grief brings.
I sat with a widow and her daughter this week as they shared memories and we talked. As I was leaving, standing on the doorstep, the lady stated a fact about our pension system. I paused and replied that I was unaware of this change. As strangers only an hour ago, we went on to have an honest and open discussion about money and managing when a sharp life change happens. Many avoid any talk of politics, yet politics rule our every day and those in power make decisions that affect us all. We may share differing political opinions, but we can talk and debate and these conversations can help us to better understand and support each other. This lady and I happened to be around the same age, and her daughter joined in our conversation with a perspective from her age range. What we shared transcended political beliefs, gifting us all shared insights, new knowledge, and a few moments of much-needed peace.
After a tiring day, I put the dinner in the oven and realised I had time to step out to the workshop to collect some pieces that were ready to wrap up and get into the post. I dashed out of the kitchen door, unlocked the workshop door and placed my hand on the handle just as the sun broke through the clouds. I paused to look up and a fresh breeze rustled through the leaves of the trees that border the old coal mine railway line. There are some trees in the line-up that have leaves like diamonds when sunlight catches them. I heard birdsong and gave myself time to watch the birds and squirrels going about their busyness, pausing to find a few moments of peace.
This week I stood beside two heartbroken souls who were dreading what was about to come. I knew we only had a few moments before reality was going to hit them and instinct drew me to talk about something that was not related to their current situation. I had a bag to gift them later and my hand dived inside and landed on a present for each of them, which had been created with love, in the peace of the workshop Tim and I share. We talked about creativity for a few moments of peace.
A neighbour and I were watering our gardens one evening, and looking up we smiled at each other across the road holding each other's gaze for a few moments. I carried the gifted peace to chat with our roses for a while, as they are blooming regardless of the wet and windy weather that keeps rolling through.