No Blame
'Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there.' Rumi ~
In our early days, Tim and I made a pact of never having blame enter our loving bubble. We would stand together and face whatever happened with a united front, creating a 'no blame' home.
We found the painting pictured above, and it hangs above our bed and makes us smile often.
This week has been an interesting one and another's choices could have cast a shadow over our crop of happy sunflowers and certainly introduced weeds into our field. One evening, sitting on the sofa and looking out across our raised rose bed, where the bushes are bursting into life and the bulbs are coming up, we made a decision. It settled a drama quickly and quietly and gave us peace to touch our inner calm. A light breeze passed over the sunflowers and no lasting harm was done.
Some people choose to live creating dramas as if life is all one big competition, and we find that kind of energy exhausting. We always have a choice on whether we dive into a drama, take offence, and carry upset forward into a new moment. We choose what we focus on and undoubtedly, the energy we create makes more of what we are putting our attention into.
We thrive when our sunflowers thrive. 🌻