Seeds In The Wind
There is so much flying about in our world. Misinformation, biased news stories, political wrangling, people falling out, technology going askew, misunderstandings and upset.
It feels like pushing water up a hill to keep our balance and see the good that flows.
Good does still flow.
Like seeds in the wind, we can catch the good and plant it in the soil we ground ourselves on. Nurture it by adding our loving energy and planting more seeds. We have to keep catching the good seeds, and then plant and nurture them.
We can be a soul of kindness, and drop any need to be seen as right or important.
When things go awry, as they sometimes do, we can choose to be kind. We don't need to get caught up in upsets, which usually only makes them worse, and we don't need to read or listen to the information being shared that is deliberately being spread to fuel others' agendas.
I am especially grateful for the lovely people I meet, and how we stand and honour loved ones who have passed away. On a wet and windy morning this week, a graceful gentleman in his late nineties and I flowed together with his loved ones, as we said our loving farewells to his wife of seventy-five years. We held each other's gaze as I said the final heartfelt and carefully chosen words to bring her celebration of life to a close. As we wrapped our arms around each other afterwards, I dropped a kiss on the top of his head and he managed to smile as my lipstick coloured his snow-white hair.
My heart holds names, memories and stories. Moments of hands held, glances shared without words, silences softly allowed to be as emotions rise and swell, hugs, and loving energy flowing. All seeds in the wind.
In our little valley, the rooks nest on the top of the trees and each evening they fly together as the sun is setting. They swoop and swirl across the rooftops and trees, sometimes climbing so high they become specks, before returning to settle down for the night in the tree-top nests. As they call to each other, the sound carries across the evening air and our hearts lift every time we hear them. Often Tim will come down from taking a shower and find me spellbound watching the great swirls of many birds, all flying in harmony and unison.
Nature has much to teach us. 🩷