Silence can be so many things.
The decision to stay quiet and not add to a drama, disagreement or unrest.
A shared understanding that transcends words.
Knowing that it's unlikely you will be heard or understood.
Space for creativity and ideas.
Time to think.
A need for peace.
A pause.
Amidst the clatter and noise of life, silence is welcome.
Tim and I decided to create a quiet home. In the old double garage, we have created a space for our passions and interests. Half of it is a running shed for Tim's steam engines and the other is a workshop with machinery and benches. Since we have no intention of moving, we have decorated the workshop in a soft green akin to nature, and are slowly adding pictures to the walls.
The huge sliding doors on one side of the workshop are open at this time of year to the trees beyond. The sounds of the breeze through the leaves, birdsong, and sometimes the happy notes of children playing and neighbours mowing their lawns or trimming their hedges float through. Mostly it is silent.
It is our happy place, as we potter together.
There is a mix of smells from coal, oil, cleaning paste, engines, paint, clay, essential oils and herbs.
Tim cleans, maintains, runs, makes parts and effects repairs for his engines and I experiment with paint, clay, essential oils and herbs. We pause to natter, bounce ideas, have a hot drink or eat cake and cobs.
There is no wifi or phone signal out there.
The other afternoon we paused to watch a baby squirrel just by the door. We all watched each other and the world slowed.
Our shared silence is a gift.