My site has been transferred to its new home on Substack. Friday Balm posts will arrive as usual and I am starting audio posts entitled Thoughtful Tuesday, each week, which I have chosen to put behind a paywall. My eBooks are also behind a paywall.
Tim took this picture during the ice and snow that fell at the beginning of January.
I got stuck several times during my site transfer with choices and a few techie hiccups, which were of my own making. It made me question having an online presence and adding to my daily tasks, yet it also clarified the direction I was heading in. Clarity is helpful, as is knowing what keeps your scales balanced.
I love writing. I have done so since I was a little girl writing poems to my Mum, entering writing competitions, attending a wonderful six week writing class in Bedford Library, and starting a blog over fifteen years ago. During a tough couple of years, I wrote a gratitude journal each night before I went to sleep, and have many notebooks around the house filled with ideas, thoughts and random sentences. I once wrote a book describing my time in the dating arena during my fifties. It was entitled ‘Mucking Fuddles’, so you can guess the gist of the stories, and it went through to the final round of a national writing competition.
I appreciate the special friendships that have come through writing, and the Global Village (as my friend Peter calls it) that unites us kindred writing spirits.
Some kind souls have suggested they would like to hear my voice, and the proposed Thoughtful Tuesday audio posts are a direct result of their prompting and they will come from a stray thought or quote, linked to a personal story.
I am always grateful to my subscribers for your support and thoughtful comments. With so much information coming at us from many directions, I feel privileged when you take the time to read and send a message. Thank you. 🩷
No doubt, my Substack platform will be further tweaked, and if you come across anything that jars, I appreciate you taking the time to tell me.
I learn something new every day and am grateful for the company of like-minded souls along the way. 🩷
Hello H, it is great to see you here, and I look forward to reading your posts. Love ❤️
Jane, I've always enjoyed your writing and appreciate a calm and uplifting voice in these times ❤️