The Gift Of Laughter
The gift of laughter brings sunlight in.
Tim is great at quick one-liners and I often end up bent double laughing, eyes filled with tears, and unable to speak for a bit. This could be his intention!
I needed to pause a few days ago and stumbled across a clip of the comedian Sarah Millican. She's fabulous, earthy, wise and very funny, and was relating how as she gets older she finds it easier to say 'No.' Previously, she would tack a long explanation onto her 'No', but now she says a simple 'No', and finds this liberating. Her 'No' list is hilarious.
I pondered on my recent 'No' list.
Our local garage is good and reliable and the added plus is they are within walking distance without one of us having to down tools to give the other a lift. Marvellous. The garage owner has an unfortunate manner as he comes across as if everyone else is an idiot, but the rest of his staff are lovely. That day, he was manning reception as I dropped our car off and he asked what was up and I told him. He followed my words with a load of his own, peppering me with questions. My reply was, 'I don't know.' His response was to keep repeating his questions, using the same words in the same order while raising his vocal volume.
It dawned on me that my 'I don't know' was not helping, so I switched tack.
I said, 'No', placed the keys in his hand, turned and walked away.
The car was fixed.
'No' to shop assistants who ask for my email address if I want a receipt at checkout. I'll take a printed one if I need it, but we feel it's all about the harvesting of personal data.
'No' to a smart energy meter. We often get phone calls to have one installed, being told it will help us. We read our meters and send them the readings each month, so our bills are accurate. There is a new slightly threatening tone to these calls, and recently, I ended up explaining that this is our home and we are grateful for their service but we do not need monitoring devices within its walls. Thank you. It won't adjust our unit price for energy and we feel (rightly or wrongly) that a smart meter gives energy suppliers the option to turn our supply off if they choose to. These calls always interrupt our daily workflow, so I asked for our address/phone number to be removed from their list. The response? 'You will receive a call from Ofgem and have to explain to them.' (Ofgem - The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, supporting the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority). I burst out laughing.
Our 'No' still stands.
'No' to skinny jeans now I have discovered an hourglass option.
'No' to technology, as we take a holiday soon and have decided to leave my phone at home in a drawer.
'No' to shapewear that appears to be made out of tyres and leaves breathing as optional.
'No' to green tea.
'No' to anything coloured grey.
Tim says 'No' to houmous and quinoa. He asked for this to be added to my list and I didn't say 'No'.