Words Of Love
Our days are filled with words...we speak, write, share, hear, and read, and the sparks of understanding and being seen are deeply felt. Those sparks are gifts.
Sometimes words cannot be found, and a shared look, smile, touch or hug speaks for us, creating more loving sparks.
My heart remembers meeting Tim for the first time in my Dad's old workshop. He took some screws out of a plate on a steam engine and I stepped forward and offered to hold them.
Every day I see strangers step up to flow comfort, making a thoughtful suggestion, and offer help to others.
An articulated lorry driver got in a pickle with lanes on a roundabout at rush hour. His hand movements were frustrated and eloquent, and we all moved to let him in while sending him smiles.
Respectfully, I stand beside flower arrangements created with love, artistry, and favourite blooms.
I find messages of love with tiny drawings on my shopping list on top of the microwave, by my bedside, tucked into my handbag and on my desk.
We held a funeral service for a lady who hadn't been a natural mother, and her adult children sat with pain in their eyes and tightly clasped hands. Lovingly held glances and soothing words enveloped them, as they did right by her.
I love a pair of earrings Tim bought for me last Christmas. They are little globes filled with Dandelion seeds. I call them my 'Dreams and wishes' and feel hope when I wear them. Tim calls them my 'Vegan lightbulbs.'
A thoughtfully gifted Peace Lily was re-potted and is now full of buds.
We opened a surprise parcel from Santa (he's getting ahead of the game), and found some handmade beautifully crafted Santa's to sit on our mantlepiece.
Loving sparks are everywhere. Heard, seen and felt.